Client Results

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I could not figure out why I was tossing and turning in the middle of the night. My thoughts kept racing through my head and I couldn't shut it off. Cynthia measured me and before I even told her, she knew I wasn't sleeping well. She prescribed me a supplement plan just for me and the very first night I slept better than I had in years. Now 6 months later I'm still sleeping well, accomplishing my goals and I feel like a new person!! I strongly recommend this program. It is a small investment for big benefits. C.S. Spokane, WA

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Fat Loss/Body Comp

I want to say thank you to Cynthia for helping me get leaner. I went from 32 percent bodyfat to 18 percent in 4 months. I thought I was eating healthy and working out hard, but I was making some mistakes. She identified them, corrected them and I keep losing bodyfat every week. I have more energy. Thank you Cynthia.

-P.D. Lahaina, Maui

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Hormone Balance

I have suffered from nausea, vomiting & migraines for about 6-7 years. Went to many doctors, nauturopaths, had blood tests, endoscopy, 2 ultrasounds, saw GYN, yet no one could figure out what was wrong. I always felt like it was something hormonal. It wasn't until Cynthia pinched me and told me my estrogen level was so very high that I learned what may be the problem. At that point she gave me a list of supplements that were just for me and my issues. I have been taking them for about 3 months & my estrogen level has already dropped in half. This last month during my period, I had no vomiting at all. I am so thankful for this program and for what it has done for me. I am thankful for Cynthia and her commitment to helping people achieve good health! --J.B. Lahaina, Hawaii


Team USA Heptathlete Annie Kunz


Kaitlin Testimonial






Jiu Jitsu Athlete Mike




Client T Results- Caffeine and Sugar